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January 15, 2021
In some ways, lockdowns have really messed-up goal setting, as you just can’t be sure what is around the corner, but in other ways they’ve provided us with the opportunity (or necessity) to reset, rethink and refocus our goals. Yet how many of you are now, like me, cynical about looking too far ahead? I daren’t even think about booking a holiday abroad and I’ve found myself in the current lockdown, not even able to plan for next week. I realised today, as I spun the pedals on my daily bike ride, that I only feel I can really have control over the day ahead and even that throws curve balls – like when one of my daughter’s wakes-up with a temperature or another develops a cough. Suddenly we find we’re going somewhere in the depths of the Kent countryside to sit in the car and shove a swab down our throat, rather than visiting there for a walk that would ordinarily involve a pub and a g&t. Goal-setting has definitely been made a whole lot trickier.
I’ve never really been one for new year’s resolutions, although this year when I woke-up on January 1st I knew exactly what I wanted from 2021 – to build a community around Innae. I feel so passionately about the brand, its ethos and its commitment to sustainability, that I want to shout about it and for people who love it and agree, to shout back! There’s no better feeling than people engaging with my social media posts and when someone buys something – well, I just want to give them a huge hug! (Anyone remember what they are?)
So here we are in lockdown 3 and I’m definitely embracing the short-term goal wins: keeping-up regular exercise, staying sane, retaining some sort of order and cleanliness in the house and not killing the other inhabitants. I’m also adding to my list of short-term goals: completing a couple of different Netflix series and reading the odd book (page of a). And that’s it. More is futile. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? When I achieve these goals every day, as well as running my two businesses, I really feel that I’m winning. Long-term goals can wait, I’m focusing on the here and now and at the moment, that feels like enough.